Sunday, January 20, 2013

What Breaks The Heart of God (Part 1: The Golden Calf)

I’m not going to cover everything that breaks the heart of God. I’m just going to cover maybe 2 or 3 things. This first one is really going to be something serious, so get ready to take offense (ha ha).

When Moses didn't come down from the mountain on the children of Israel's timetable, they got Aaron to make a golden calf & they worshipped it saying this is OUR god. No different than today, when God doesn't respond, we look to man or an image and esteem them as our god. This was something I posted this past Friday on my Facebook wall. Now let me expound on this one.

You see, Moses was communing with God during the time of the golden calf. But the children of Israel didn’t understand patience. Again, no different than us, we try to find our own savior (most of the times, through men). They arbitrarily assumed that Moses forgot about them so they decided to make a god who led them out of Egypt. It’s interesting they wanted to make a god that showed they were led out of Egypt, considering in Numbers, they were so ready to return to Egypt. They were the epitome of wanting to have their cake and eat it too. No different than us, we want to live prosperous, but at the same time, we want to covet anything that doesn’t belong to us, but will sure enough fight to have it. We want to have our cake and be able to eat it too; at the same time, be jealous when one person does it the right way but you’re stuck in the same situation. Aaron, giving in to these trifling people builds a calf. When confronted by Moses, Aaron blames them saying, “you know how determined these people are to do evil.” He should’ve manned up and said; I gave in to what they wanted. He blamed the children of Israel. No different than us, we’ll blame others for our own screw-ups.

Aaron said, tomorrow, there will be festival to honor the Lord. The following day, the children of Israel sat down to feast, but it turned to a wild party.

What’s the underlying message? Our culture is so numb to what’s right and wrong, that we’ll worship anything that pleases our flesh or gives us what our flesh wants (irrespective if it costs you your spiritual life). Do I fall guilty of this? At times I do. What we need to do is consider every action that we do. Who are we praising, God or man? Why do we get offended when we insult the golden calf and not take offense when we grieve the Lord by our actions? Why do we demand that the world stops to hear a golden calf speak as if the calf is God? I foresee many people falling to the golden calf (it could be a man, an image, anything that does not exalt God for who He is). Sadly, our actions determine who we are really serving.

Part 2 will talk about needed rebukes but not given due to ears being itched. Stay tuned.

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